Energy cooperatives network
Partners :
Eurosolar asbl, Coopératives énergétiques du Luxembourg
All over Luxembourg
Financing :
French Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity
CELL's role and mission :
Connect existing energy cooperatives in Luxembourg and encourage synergies between cooperatives in order to develop and promote a local, socially responsible and inclusive energy transition.
Project description :
Created with the conviction that energy is a common good whose management concerns every individual, energy cooperatives aim to develop renewable energies by supporting or participating in virtuous production projects for local areas. Whether in the photovoltaic or wind power sectors, cooperatives offer renewable solutions that promote sobriety and energy savings. A real lever for creating a more energy-efficient world, energy cooperatives put people and the environment at the heart of their concerns.
Leonard Andersen
Coordinator - Repair Cafés and Energy Transition
Benjamin Klein
Coordinator - Repair Cafés and Energy Transition
Ben Bossi
Coordinator - Repair Cafés and Energy Transition