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Film Eng Äerd

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End date : 31.12.2023
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Partners :

CNA Dudelange

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All over Luxembourg

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Financing :

French Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity


CELL's role and mission :

To set up, with director Tom Alesch, a documentary film that presents existing ecological transition solutions in Luxembourg through various actorswho are engaged within the movement; promote the film through a national tour in municipalities, schools, etc.


Project description :

In Luxembourg, every year around mid-February, we consume all the resources that the planet provides us for a year. In the long term, it is impossible to consume more than what the Earth offers us. The film 'Eng Äerd' (One Earth) showcases citizens who come together to creatively envision new ways that will allow us to live better and in a more supportive manner by using natural resources without depleting them.

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Norry Schneider

Head of the Climate Pact and Territories in Transition


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