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Generatiounsgaart Beefort

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Start date : 01.01.2019
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Partners :

Municipality of Beaufort

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In northern Luxembourg

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Financing :

Commune de Beaufort, French Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity


CELL's role and mission :

Support the Beaufort community garden by pooling resources, providing logistical and organizational support and helping to promote its activities. Through the example of Generatiounsgaartencourage the creation of community gardens and urban gardens across the country. countries.


Project description :

The Generatiounsgaart Beefort is a natural and ecological garden with an educational vocation, involving anyone of any age or origin, resident or not, in the commune of Beaufort. The garden operates holistically according to permaculture principles, and serves as an open classroom and recreation area for school classes and other groups and individuals. All the fruit and vegetables in the garden are planted with the children, and then processed in workshops held in the garden.

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Annick Feipel

Coordinator - Generatiounsgaart Beefort


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